Gibbons Architects
We are an independent and collaborative architecture practice based in New Plymouth, New Zealand.
We work with a diverse range of people and companies to create spaces that work and impress. We believe the client/customer and their habits form a space whether it be residential or commercial.
This NZIA Practice was founded in 2013 by Brady and Sarah Gibbons on their return to New Zealand. The two Registered Architects have extensive experience with forward thinking, award winning practices in Wellington, Sydney and London.
Get in touch
L1 110 Devon Street West New Plymouth, 4310 – hello@ gibbonsarchitects.co.nz | |
Brady Gibbons co owner + architect 022 398 5179 – brady@ gibbonsarchitects.co.nz | Sarah Gibbons co owner + architect 022 413 9196 – sarah@ gibbonsarchitects.co.nz |
Jaimee Morley graduate of architecture 027 649 4451 – jaimee@ gibbonsarchitects.co.nz | Joe Batchelor graduate of architecture 027 312 7541 – joseph@ gibbonsarchitects.co.nz |